The Pioneer Podcast


Audio Episodes

Video Episodes

Episode 18

Episode 17

Episode 16

Episode 15

Episode 14

Episode 13

Episode 12

Episode 11

Episode 10

Episode 9

Episode 8

Episode 7

Episode 6

Episode 5

Episode 4

Episode 3

Episode 2

Episode 1

Core Values



• We see ourselves as co-workers with God in His mission – the reconciliation of all things under heaven and earth under Christ.
• The Good News about Jesus needs to be presented in a way that is relevant to our context through our words, actions and with a demonstration of God’s miraculous power.
• We believe that justice and social action are central to the message of Jesus.



• We see ourselves as co-workers with God in His mission – the reconciliation of all things under heaven and earth under Christ.
• The Good News about Jesus needs to be presented in a way that is relevant to our context through our words, actions and with a demonstration of God’s miraculous power.
• We believe that justice and social action are central to the message of Jesus.



• Our life and faith is energized and informed by a living experience of the Holy Spirit, both individually and corporately.
• We believe in a God who breaks into time and space by His Holy Spirit, bringing revelation, healing bodies, sharing spiritual gifts and performing miraculous signs.
• Our spiritual life is rooted in the Scriptures and informed by church history.

Kingdom Orientated


• Because ‘the earth is the Lord’s and everything in it’, we believe that the whole of life and creation is sacred. We, therefore, look to express a culture and lifestyle of worship that has no sacred-secular divide as we celebrate all of life.
• Pioneer has a strong commitment to equipping everyone to engage across all spheres of life – business, politics, media, community, education, creativity and the arts.
• We are committed to the unity of the Body of Christ and will seek to partner with others wherever possible

Our Distinctives

The role of women in leadership

We welcome and promote the role of women at every level of leadership.

Unity of the Body of Christ

We actively and intentionally pursue unity and work in partnership – locally and nationally.


As ‘pioneers’ we want to continue to innovate, to take risks, to try new things, to be Spirit-led people and to have fun as we serve God’s purposes.